Monday 8 March 2010

Special Effects


For our film we needed to make blood packs for the "stabbing" scene. The blood consisted of red food colouring, water, and glycerin to make it thicker. This mix was placed in four sandwich bags which were taped to make sure nothing leaked. The blood packs will be placed behind our fake skin/dummy

Fake Skin

The fake skin was tricky to make but after a few tries I managed to get it just right. The fake skin was made out of liquid latex which by painting it on a tray in layers forms a strong skin like material perfect for our murder scene. To make this I used the liquid latex and painted it on a smooth tray. I did this five times and then finally applied some toilet paper over the top and then another layer of liquid latex. Once this had dried, this proved to be a very good way of making fake skin.

Mathew Garrett

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