Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Film Titles and Credits - Spider-Man - Jess D'Alvarez

  • The Spider-Man titles are a mini-narrative. The min-narrative seems to tell a story and briefly introduces the audience to the film and the character(s)
  • The mini-narrative begins by showing a web and then parts of the main character (protagonist), Spider-Man, appear. For example, the colour red is then shown next, which we associate with Spider-Man due to the colour of his costume. Spider-Man's arm, then hand, body, back and then head are shown, each in different shots. So most of the protagonist is revealed even without the audience seeing a full shot of the protagonist and they can now picture what they think the protagonist looks like, in their heads. The antagonist is then shown and following this some of the setting is shown i.e. buildings. And from these shots in the opening titles, the audience can gain an insight into what the film will be about.
  • Some of the shots have a dark blue/black background which I think represents the night sky. The text is white, which I think could resemble a web, it does look as though it has been made to look like the text has been spun from a web.
  • The title 'SPIDER-MAN' appears very early on in the titles and is silver in colour, it seems to shine which I think links to Spiderman's costume as he has silver web over his costume. I think the shining was also used to emphasise the title as it is the name of the main character. The music also gets faster at this point, emphasis again.
  • Other background of shots are very dark, I think this is to ensure that the webs and writing are visable and clear to see for the audience.
  • The writing in the shots is not placed right in the middle of the shot however it is placed in line with the web like the picture to the left. Each letter is placed between the web, possibly to resemble a fly/insect caught in the web. This also makes the shot look more interesting.
  • The shots seem to flip/ into one another. I think thise could relate to tthe spinning of a web.
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