Sunday 21 March 2010

Schindlers List- Opening Titles- Ed Boyce

The opening titles of Schindler's list are superimposed onto the film.
We see a religious family praying whilst candles are being lit. The credits start and we see a new credit every shot. With every shot we see the candles get smaller and smaller. In my eyes this is ment to represent hope or life, which is ending.
  • The font is old fashioned like the film and the font is always white.
  • The main title of 'Shindlers List' is placed on a black background and underlined by the white table. It is also placed inbetween the two candles and looks very bold.
  • The music in the titles is a quiet relaxing piano. Each shot fades into the next which makes the titles feel slow.
Everything combined sets us up for an emotional watch.

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