In the beginning this sequence, the enigma code, we are introduced to 5 characters that all seem equally important
One man finding money
- Appears as possibly a ranger, or hunter
- Cautious
- Afraid
- Not sure what hes facing
His wife
- Curious
- Protective
- Afraid
Another man who owns the money
- Wants his money
- Quite calm about it
- Doesn't want to cause a problem
A hit man looking for the money
- Sinister music constantly plays when he is in shot
- Dark lighting on his face in most shots
- Dangerous
- Willing to do anything to get what he wants e.g. will kill for it
- Ominous/Menacing character
- Creates a dangerous atmosphere
A cop (Hero) searching for them all
- Worried
- Thinks something bad is going to happen
- Holds himself quite proudly
- Scared at what the hit man can do
- Fearful
You state what these characters are like - how have you arrived at this - how are traits created by the CW, MenS, editing and Sound?