Thursday 25 February 2010

Pre-Production Planning - Props

We are going to have the female character, the victim, listening to music whilst getting ready to go out. We want her to be listening to her iPod on a docking station as this fits in with the modern times of today.

We are going to include a graphic match in our short film and want to use a digital watch and a clock, in order to create this. A graphic match is two successive shots joined so as to create a strong similarity of compositional elements (e.g. colour, shape). We want to have our male character looking at his watch and for it then to merge into a clock on the wall of the female characters bedroom.

We are going to use a typical, serrated edge, kitchen knife as our weapon because it is an iconic weapon in the thriller genre.

We are going to have Fred, the murderer, tie Katie, the victim, to a chair and then the murder is going to happen.

However, having researched we are now considering using cable ties in order to tie the victim to the chair. This is because the police use these in the force and they are shown to be more effective, therefore a murderer could use these to tie a victim to a chair. We also think that cable ties are more of a common household item than rope.

Photo of Katie and Fred, will be ripped down the middle. Fred will get this photo out of his pocket, whilst walking to Katie's, look at it, lovingly and then throw it on the floor. We will see the photo float to the floor.

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