Thursday 21 January 2010

Preliminary Task Teachers Comments

Having watched our film we have received positive feedback as well as constructive criticism. We received positive feedback on our accurate match on action as well as using a variety of shots to prevent boredom, this included a shot of Ed walking past the alley and an over the shoulder shot of the opening of the envelope. We also received positive comments on our shot reverse shot, however we were criticised on bad lighting which broke continuity. This could've been due to the white balance and that we didn't set it properly. Although our audience liked our shots, the positioning of the shots could've been a bit better, with one shot in particular being criticised for the natural lighting which was seeping through the window of the door behind Jess whilst acting and therefore affected the lighting of the shot. Comments were made on the title of our film which showed at the beginning of our film. We used a typewriter effect for this and were given positive feedback saying that it matched the theme of our film.

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