Monday 11 January 2010

My Evaluation

What I have learned
I've now had experience using the camera correctly to film parts of the clip. I also had to use a tripod and got use to adjusting the legs of the tripod with mat. the Editing software worked well, and i learnt however it does take more time then expected. I didn't realise how much the weather would influence our filming as we were inside, however it did alot, and the only mistake we made was that when the time of day and weather changed we struggled to make it look the same, and hence forth had to re-film certain sections, so in future as a group we will prepare more thoroughly for this.

My Input
before filming, i took photos of Andrew Mann in the car park with Jess, as i have a camera I also took photos of filming and put them onto the blog. After mat drew the story board i drew on some trees and faces and the last two frames. i then filmed the storyboard and explained it. this then went onto the blog. During filming, i took turn with mat and assisted with the camera work. I also suggested means for the script and placing of characters.

We stuck to the 180degree rule, and kept the mise en scene as similar as possible. we struggled with the lighting due to the change of day and weather, however we were able to correct the difference by re filming certain parts. when we edited we used i movie HD to make it look as if it hadn't been edited. We filmed it over and over again giving us enough material to edit with.

Improvement for future
For the main Task next time we will definitely consider the change in weather and time of day. And now we are clear on what to do, how to do it due to practise we will be able to hopefully do it alot quicker and more efficiently. we did film it a few times, however hopefully as we should have more time, we will still be able to film more times, giving us even more material for editing.

From Chess :) x

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