Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Film Titles and Credits - Se7en - Jess D'Alvarez

  • Titles begin after 4 minutes of film. These 4 minutes give an insight into what the film is about.
  • The titles are not superimposed over a moving image, they form their own mini-narrative. I think the story of the titles is about a criminal trying to cover up his/her actions.
  • Typography is very plain and simple, white writing on a black background however the writing is somewhat scratchy and seems to flicker in the titles, this could possibly relate to electricity. I also think this as the music played in the background makes a electricity type sound, which would link in with the scratchiness of the words.
  • I think the movements of the titles seem to reflect that of static electricity, which could relate to the film.
  • I do not think that the titles/names on the black background are positioned in the shot for any specific reason other than just to make it more interesting than sticking them bang in the middle of the screen, however there are other shots where the titles/names are superimposed over pictures or maybe a moving image, therefore they seem to be placed on a part of the screen where they are easily read by the audience.
  • I think that all props and objects in shots seem to be related to those of a killer. For example there is a shot where the person is scraping off their fingerprints. When I saw this I instantly thought of a criminal trying to cover up the crime that he has committed. This element of mise en scene indicates that the titles/credits are those of the thriller genre. There are also pictures of disfigured human faces, could be the victims of the criminal.
  • Seems to be a book that the criminal is creating, shots of the book are shown. This prop, an element of mise en scene, again indicates that these titles could be those of a thriller.
  • Red is shown is some of the shots, this could again indicate that these are titles for a thriller because we usually associate red with blood and blood with thrillers.
  • I think that many close ups, big close ups and extreme close ups have been used in order to show and emphasise the actions of the 'criminal' and to possibly raise questions in the audiences minds about the upcoming film.


  • The background music is very technical, kind of futuristic.
  • When the titles/names of actors appear (in their scratchy typography) different sounds are made, all of which I think relate to electricity. I think these sounds are used in order to emphasise the title/name.
  • Music is of a slow yet steady pace throughout the titles and slowly begins to build, getting faster and more up beat and then 'You've got me closer to God' is said at the end which makes me think that there may be a religious aspect to the film.
  • Music begins to build and then more action in shots is shown, more of the criminals activities are revealed


  • Editing to double shots and repeat shots has been used. For example at 4:32, the image of the hand, holding a pen and writing on the piece of paper, has been doubled. I think this was done in order to either make the shot more interesting, to emphasise the action that is taking place, could be important for the min-narrative or to just simply fit in with the 'futuristic' 'electric' atmosphere of the titles.
  • I think the colour of the shots may have been edited in order to make it look more dull and possibly haunting as brightly coloured shots would not fit in with the thriller genre.

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